Bryan Adams
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QA: Bryan Adams has shot Michael Jackson and Lindsay Lohan, says his daughter his best subject

Bryan Adams and Lindsay Lohan, whose photograph appears in ‘Exposed.’ (Reuters/HarperCollins)

By Nicki Gostin
Published December 11, 2012

Bryan Adams is best known for ’80s megahits like “Summer of ’69” and “Cuts Like A Knife,” but the 53-year-old rocker has scored an equally impressive career as a professional photographer.

Adams has worked for magazines like British Vogue, shot numerous advertising campaigns, and worked with hundreds of celebrities over the years. The new photography book ‘Exposed’ includes portraits of Amy Winehouse, Judi Dench and Mickey Rourke, to name a few.

FOX411 caught up with the new dad — daughter Mirabella Bunny was born last year — to talk about his second act.

FOX411: What is it about photography that you love?

Bryan Adams: The thing that was most interesting to me was getting my first prints back from the printer and realizing photography doesn’t end with the click of a button, it starts there. Printing is so exciting. I used to stand in the hallway waiting for the messenger to come with my prints.

FOX411: You got some really amazing people to sit for you. How did you pull that off?

Adams: I don’t actually know. I think it comes from that theory: don’t ask don’t get. In the majority of cases the photography was commissioned for magazines, but largely obscure ones, therefore a lot of the work hasn’t really been seen. That was one of the reasons I wanted to put this book together. Besides a lot of the photos being unknown, they were scattered all over my office. I had to do such a lot of work to find everything, but now that it’s in one place I’m so happy about it.

FOX411: Who is your favorite subject?

Adams: Probably my baby.

FOX411: I meant which celebrity!

Adams: Everyone asks me that. There’s a lot of my favorites.

FOX411: You shot Michael Jackson.

Adams: Yes at the World Music Awards around 2008. I’d met Michael a few times. He was quite sweet and gentle.

FOX411: And Lindsay Lohan…

Adams: I’ve done a few shoots with Lindsay. She’s pretty easy to work with and a lot of fun.

FOX411: Does it make you sad what is going on with her?

Adams: People have to go through what they have to go through. I think in some cases you sort of bring things on yourself and that’s what you want it to be than that’s the way it is. You don’t have to be like that. I think in some ways she quite enjoys it.

FOX411: Weren’t you one of Princess Diana’s favorite musicians?

Adams: Yeah I guess, perhaps. We were great friends. She was so proud of her boys. They’re great, even Harry getting his clothes off – good boy! I’m serious, he’s a laugh.

FOX411: Are you still in contact with them?

Adams: No. Actually, that’s not true. I’ve had dinner with Will a couple of times.

FOX411: Which would you rather be known for, music or photography?

Adams: I’m quite happy with the music carrying on. I’ve never been one to clamor for fame. It just got dumped in my lap. The ambition is definitely not fame. The ambition is to be creative. The idea of putting out an album is quite exciting because it’s sharing your creativity with people. There’s no ambition to be famous. I couldn’t care less about that.